Thursday, October 3, 2013

metFormin - Common Diabetes Medicine

How metFormin is our best Friend and potential enemy

Notice I learned how to give each Blog a title!

Today I continued my rebellious attitude and did not take BS or BP in the morning.  However, after lunch I wanted to check as I had a taco salad and wanted to see the impact.

BS - 104!  Amazing taken two hours after I had my meal.  WOW today I could eat normal and still be in the normal range.  I take these small success as "emotional" boosters as they keep me going..
BP - 111/73 (home machine) - still low
HR - 62

Vital signs - all systems go!

Diabetics may have multiple things going on with their body; but, the two most common problems; our bodies produce too much glucose or our cells do not have the proper receptors to intake what we produce.  The most common drug to combat glucose production is MetFORMIN.  So its main function is too slow down glucose in the LIVER.  I was taking 1500 mg / day.

Your can read a lot about metFORMIN at

According to Suzy Cohen in her book; "Diabetes without Drugs", she describes how these drugs work and how they could be "mugging" your body of of valuable natural nutrients. 

metFORMIN is a potential mugger of Coenzyme Q10, acid, VitaminB12, and probiotics.  Reduction in these nutrients can lead to LIVER damage.  WOW, the very thing I need working properly could be destroyed.  I wonder what happens when the liver is damaged?  That will require a deeper dive some day.

It can also lead to confusion, depression, neuropathy, muscle cramps, memory loss, mouth sores, diarrhea, constipation, yeast infection, fatigue, hypertension, and higher risk of heart disease and stroke.  Holy Confusion BATMAN - this feels like a villain and how do I tell the good guy from the bad guy.

Who do I punch or take out?  How do I fight back?  I am confused as I feel these symptoms all the time. These are also the very symptoms us diabetics feel when our sugars are too low or too high.   According to Suzy, I could take more supplements to counteract the medicine.  This started a new goal for me, how do I get off the drug train - please stop here and just let me off.  I choose to pass "GO" and "NOT" collect my $200.  I just want to get off the train!

I think I have said many times I do not want to get anything for this information or sell anything to make a profit.  I want this to be from my heart and a gift to anyone who it might help.  However, along the way, I have had support people and information provided to me by people like Suzy.  I am happy to promote her book and I am happy to promote those that helped me along the way.

Antonia Mclaurin and AKEA Essentials.

Antonia and her husband have an amazing story to tell as well and I hope I can talk her into adding to my blog as a sub writer.   Their story is too much for this post.  However, how Antonia helped me is not.  She knew I was on this journey as I talked about it once in awhile.  One day she come into my office and explained her story.  Then she introduced me to AKEA Essentials,  To help me experiment she gave me some free samples to try - what a sales person!  As I tried it, I also researched it.  I encourage you to go to the site and read about these natural organic foods.  Yes they become a power to add to my morning drink and I also take another one in the afternoon, but none the less, they are organic and natural.

As I studied the foods included, I noticed many were replacing some of the nutrients being removed by metFORMIN.  I was sold right away and started the program.  Like so many things, this one change in my life style was not the sole reason for success - it did contribute.  I am more interested in repairing my body and I know that will take some time - so I think of AKEA Essentials like I do my other dietary foods - a long term player in my new life style.  I did notice right away a burst of energy.

Now for the pitch for Antonia.  If you do think you want to try this product, please email her,  and mention my name.  Again, I get nothing for it but I do want her to know you know me.  Oh yeah, this does not get you any deals either.  She will help set you up so you can take advantage of her discounts.

For now, I hope this helps you understand how one medicine may be our best friend and potentially our worst enemy.  May God bless you and give you the strength he provided me to carry forward - it is not easy.




  1. Your blog is a blessing, Robert! I have Suzi Cohen's book as well, along with a book by Dr. Sherri Rogers "How to Cure diabetes". Both books have helped me, along with the almond flour cookbook, and the wheat belly cookbook. I have been taking herbs and vitamins for years. I buy the herbs in bulk and encapsulate them myself. Cheaper, and I know what's in them. I have found that the herb "milk thistle" is a great detox/protector of the liver. I, along with my husband and adult son, have taken it for years.............Thanks, "Churndash" (Dolores)

    1. Dolores,

      You are very well prepared and will check out Sherri's book.

      You have so much to share and thanks for doing so.

      I am on the constant look out for good solid knowledge.

      I am searching gluten free.

      Thanks again and it is I who is being blessed from the blog.



Please leave your comments or suggestions - looking to getting some good discussions going. Tell me what you have tried and what has or has not worked.

Thanks for the support